Welcome to Project7. Eric will be climbing the highest mountain on each of the 7 continents in an effort to raise money and awareness to help us better understand the most important part of the human body, the BRAIN, which also happens to be the part that is understood least. Many of us, or someone we know and love, have been affected by brain related tragedies such as brain tumors, strokes, traumatic brain injuries, genetic brain disorders, degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's, and others. Although we have made many great advancements in science and medicine, we still understand very little in regards to the human brain and its complexity.
CLICK THE VIDEO Above for Russia Trip, Mt. Elbrus - The highest peak in Europe!
Denali Climb 2022
Donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated. 100% of all donations go directly towards Brain Research, and not to Eric. Understanding that some people already give to many other causes, your promotion of this project to help spread awareness is just as important and much appreciated. This project will take many years to complete and any help is greatly accepted, whether it’s through promotion on your social media sites, networking/personal connections, recommendations/suggestions, word of mouth etc…
“I have been fortunate enough to experience many great adventures in my life, and the most exciting adventure awaits me in Project7. I see Project7 as a great opportunity, not only for the adventure of a lifetime, but a great opportunity to give back and help raise money for a great cause. That is how Project7 was created.”
“My goal is to take my passion for the outdoors and use it to help others. I plan to physically train, grow myself as a mountaineer and eventually climb the 7 highest peaks on each continent, while raising money for Brain Research. Research can take years for significant breakthroughs and the amount of training, preparation and ascents will also take many years. While raising money for Brain Research, I plan to climb many BIG mountains and experience many great cultures.”
“On average, someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds ....According to the World Health Organization, 15 million people suffer stroke worldwide each year.”
Summit of Mt. Elbrus, Russia. 18,513' - Aug 2016
For those who are familiar with the 7 summits, I can explain more specifically which “7 summits” list I have chosen, since like most things in mountaineering, the 7 summits is topic of great debate. For this project, I have chosen to climb Bass’ list (not Messner’s list), as seen above. Although I have not been able to find a list of the people who have completed Bass’ list, the general consensus is that by 2013, a little over 300 people have completed this feat. The difference between the American Dick Bass’ list and Italian climbing legend, Reinhold Messner’s list is, Australia’s Kosciuszko (Bass list) and New Guinea’s Carstensz Pyramid (Messner’s list). Some believe that the Carstensz Pyramid, in the Ocean continent, is considered to be a region versus a true continent. Also many mountaineers prefer Messner’s list because of the increased difficulty in climbing the Carstensz Pyramid.
American Dick Bass was the first to complete the “Bass list” of 7 summits with Kosciuszko as the mainland’s highest point. Canadian Pat Morrow became the first to complete the “Messner list”. Bass and Morrow were competing to claim the “7 summit” title, but they disagreed on what the true highest point for the Australasian continental mass actually was. Messner agreed with Morrow, and the Messner list was born. Messner was the first to complete these 7 summits with no oxygen, he was also the first to complete the world’s fourteen 8000m peaks with no oxygen, because he is an animal.
Although I have chosen Bass’ list for this project, I plan on eventually completing both lists by climbing the Carstensz Pyramid one day.